荷重: 12.5 ~20 トン、吊り上げの高さ: 6~40メートル
✔️ A monorail hoist with twin trolleys for high load capacities and long hook paths.
✔️ With short spans, even high-load cranes can be operated on ordinary rolled section beams using this hoist.
✔️ Cross travel trolley designed for direct drive without exposed reduction gearing.
✔️ As the load is distributed over eight wheels, ordinary rolled section beams can be used for monorail track applications.
✔️ Load capacity range: 6.3 t to 25 t.

U タイプ
Model Ree ving Load cap.
Hook path
GM 5000 4/1 20,0 6  10    15    18,5 1132 180
GM 6000 2/1 12,5 12  20   30  37 1256 180
4/1 25,0 6  10   15  18,5  1241 180
GM 7000 2/1 20,0 16  30  45 - 1614 180
U タイプ 1